Mihajlo Jakovljev

World Heritage in Danger 2023

The project is divided in three parts: (1) Presenting World Heritage Sites in Danger; (2) Inscription years for World Heritage in Danger 2023; and (3) Assistance to World Heritage in Danger 2023. The combination of these three parts achieves a detailed look at World Heritage in Danger and my second Information Design and Data Visualisation project.


Source: The United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO), World Heritage in Danger, List of World Heritage in Danger, 2023, Available from: https://whc.unesco.org/en/danger/


Data Visualization
All rights, excluding attributive elements mentioned at the end of the project, are reserved by the author Mihajlo Jakovljev. The contents of this [work/material/etc.] cannot be used or reproduced in any form without the explicit approval and authorization of the author.
Founder and director of Octavian Consulting for Digital Participation and Visual Communication.